Autumn/Winter 2015-16 Issue

The following posts are part of the Autumn/Winter 2015-16 Issue. Articles that are in this issue contain information about Knowing Your Enemy the devil, find out how not to use God’s love as an excuse, learn God’s definition of homosexuality, discover if you are a light of the world, plus topics on how to be a modest woman and a godly, submissive wife.

full course

Why You Should Sing To The Lord All The Time

I always wondered where certain preachers obtained the guts to sing on stage when they really did not have a “singing” voice. Through my relationship with God, He taught me that singing to Him is a necessity. So I learned, but only through very difficult times.

If you cannot hold a tune, do not worry because once you start singing to the Lord on a regular basis, you will find one. It is highly important to sing to the Lord. Here are several reasons why:

Singing to God Helps You To Win

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If you are overwhelmed and struggle with negativity due to many tests and trials in your life, you are a great candidate to start singing. Singing praises to our Father in heaven will help you to make it through a dark day. It can be difficult to find joy when you don’t feel it. The best way to obtain it is to determine to make yourself sing to God. This determination starts with hoping and trusting in God. As you focus on God, God fights your battles. Make singing hymns your new habit.

And when they began to sing and to praise, the Lord set ambushments against the children of Ammon, Moab, and mount Seir, which were come against Judah; and they were smitten. ~2 Chronicles 20:22 KJV

Why art thou cast down, O my soul? and why art thou disquieted in me? hope thou in God: for I shall yet praise Him for the help of His countenance. ~Psalm 42:5, 11, 43:5 KJV [That’s 3x!]

The Lord is my strength and my shield; my heart trusted in Him, and I am helped: therefore my heart greatly rejoiceth; and with my song will I praise Him. ~Psalm 28:7 KJV

Unto thee, O my strength, will I sing: for God is my defence, and the God of my mercy. ~Psalm 59:17 KJV

Singing is a Spiritual Requirement

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We must make singing an on-going action in our own life. It goes hand in hand with “praying without ceasing.”

Sing unto Him, sing psalms unto Him, talk ye of all His wondrous works. ~1 Chronicles 16:9 KJV

Sing unto the Lord , all the earth; shew forth from day to day His salvation. ~1 Chronicles 16:23 KJV

Serve the Lord with gladness: come before His presence with singing. ~Psalm 100:2 KJV

And Again I Say Rejoice!

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Paul emphasized rejoicing when he made this statement. This shows us how important the act of rejoicing is for a Christian. This doesn’t mean that we are pastey-happy, but rather, we set our hearts to dwell in the peace of the Lord with thankfulness, which we can express through song.

My heart is fixed, O God, my heart is fixed: I will sing and give praise. ~Psalm 57:7 KJV

Rejoice in the Lord alway: and again I say, Rejoice. ~Philippians 4:4 KJV

Every day will I bless thee; and I will praise Thy name for ever and ever. ~Psalm 145:2 KJV

Rejoice evermore. ~1 Thessalonians 5:16 KJV

We Should Speak to One Another in Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs

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Do we honestly sing to one another outside of church services? Probably not. But if you have been humming and singing gracious words to the Lord on a regular basis, these tunes will naturally emerge at the right joyful moments to support the cheerful hearts of others.   The Bible tells us that our psalms, hymns, and spiritual songs should derive from the Word of Christ that dwells in us richly.  Therefore, if we sing a new song to the Lord, especially if one is famous, direct glory to Him should not be absent in order for us to make the song blend in with the world. People would sing it to glorify some person instead of God. Glory to God should not be something that can be shared. Plus, as we embrace the boldness of rejoicing, the unbeliever may be convicted. Generations will catch on. It is the Christian thing to do, which brings all glory to God.

Speaking to yourselves in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing and making melody in your heart to the Lord; ~Ephesians 5:19 KJV

Let the word of Christ dwell in you richly in all wisdom; teaching and admonishing one another in psalms and hymns and spiritual songs, singing with grace in your hearts to the Lord. ~Colossians 3:16 KJV

Oh that men would praise the Lord for His goodness, and for His wonderful works to the children of men! ~Psalm 107:8, 15, 21, 31 KJV [That’s 4x!]

I will make Thy name to be remembered in all generations: therefore shall the people praise Thee for ever and ever. ~Psalm 45:17 KJV

Praise ye the Lord. Sing unto the Lord a new song, and His praise in the congregation of saints. ~Psalm 149:1 KJV

I will praise Thee with my whole heart: before the gods will I sing praise unto Thee. ~Psalm 138:1 KJV

I will greatly praise the Lord with my mouth; yea, I will praise Him among the multitude. ~Psalm 109:30 KJV

I will declare Thy name unto my brethren: in the midst of the congregation will I praise Thee. ~Psalm 22:22 KJV

And He hath put a new song in my mouth, even praise unto our God: many shall see it, and fear, and shall trust in the Lord. ~Psalm 40:3 KJV

Realize That You Were Born To Glorify God With Your Mouth And That Means Singing.

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Now that we’ve learned that we must rejoice always, and speak and sing to one another with holy songs, there is no time like the present to begin singing by yourself. This is about your relationship with God, not about your insecurities, jokes, or sarcastic acts of acapella in front of tormented hearers. Spare them for a bit if you are truly squaking. Just sing to God with a pure heart in private or in hushed tones until your gentle tune comes through—even if it takes a while.

I will bless the Lord at all times: His praise shall continually be in my mouth. ~Psalm 34:1 KJV

Sing praises to God, sing praises: sing praises unto our King, sing praises. ~Psalm 47:6 KJV

Let my mouth be filled with Thy praise and with Thy honour all the day. ~Psalm 71:8 KJV

I will sing unto the Lord as long as I live: I will sing praise to my God while I have my being. ~Psalm 104:33 KJV

This people have I formed for Myself; they shall shew forth My praise. ~Isaiah 43:21 KJV

[1] Praise ye the Lord . Praise God in His sanctuary: praise Him in the firmament of His power. [2] Praise Him for His mighty acts: praise Him according to His excellent greatness. [3] Praise Him with the sound of the trumpet: praise Him with the psaltery and harp. [4] Praise Him with the timbrel and dance: praise Him with stringed instruments and organs. [5] Praise Him upon the loud cymbals: praise Him upon the high sounding cymbals. [6] Let every thing that hath breath praise the Lord . Praise ye the Lord. ~Psalm 150 KJV

All You Need is a Right Heart

You don’t need an instrument, a band, a stage, or singing lessons to begin. In fact, avoid people who try to tell you that you cannot sing. While this may be true on a fame level, it is not true on a God level because His ways are higher than our ways. God created the act of singing to glorify Him and to lift us out of pits and struggles. Through God, our godly praise fights against the forces of evil. Of course, all the praise in the world means nothing to God if you do not have an obedient heart that adheres to His Word.

[11] To what purpose is the multitude of your sacrifices unto me? saith the Lord : I am full of the burnt offerings of rams, and the fat of fed beasts; and I delight not in the blood of bullocks, or of lambs, or of he goats. [12] When ye come to appear before me, who hath required this at your hand, to tread my courts? [13] Bring no more vain oblations; incense is an abomination unto me; the new moons and sabbaths, the calling of assemblies, I cannot away with; it is iniquity, even the solemn meeting. [14] Your new moons and your appointed feasts my soul hateth: they are a trouble unto me; I am weary to bear them . [15] And when ye spread forth your hands, I will hide mine eyes from you: yea, when ye make many prayers, I will not hear: your hands are full of blood. [16] Wash you, make you clean; put away the evil of your doings from before mine eyes; cease to do evil; [17] Learn to do well; seek judgment, relieve the oppressed, judge the fatherless, plead for the widow. [18] Come now, and let us reason together, saith the Lord : though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. [19] If ye be willing and obedient, ye shall eat the good of the land: ~Isaiah 1:11-19 KJV

[15] By Him therefore let us offer the sacrifice of praise to God continually, that is, the fruit of our lips giving thanks to His name. [16] But to do good and to communicate forget not: for with such sacrifices God is well pleased. ~Hebrews 13:15-16 KJV

Find Some Great Hymns

Here are some of my favorite hymns that support the nature of a gentle and also joyful spirit as a woman of God. These are the only type of songs I listen to now because they soothe my soul differently than many worship songs today. I wasn’t even alive when some of these songs were produced, but I would rather sing many of these melodies because they feel purer to me. It is the simplicity of these lyrics and also the meaningful words of worship, obedience, or praise that is pure; rather than lyrics that are watered-down, over-done, wordy, made to fit secular environments, or has a beat that takes away gentleness.  Have you ever listened to the lyrics of your Christian music?  Do the lyrics remove the specific attribute to God?  You will be able to tell if you think about an unbeliever being able to sing the song attributing it to someone they love rather than to God.

I thought I would post this tweet as a reminder of how easy it is to remove the specific attribute to God.

Here are some great hymns to take you back to the simple things.  Enjoy!

All That Thrills My Soul by Joslin Grove Choral Society
Blessed Assurance by Joslin Grove Choral Society
Count Your Blessings by Joslin Grove Choral Society
In The Sweet By and By by Joslin Grove Choral Society
We Are Marching On To Zion by Joslin Grove Choral Society
Holy, Holy, Holy by Shirley Caesar
It Is Well With My Soul by the Discovery Singers
Let Us Break Bread Together by the Discovery Singers
Great Is Thy Faithfulness by the Discovery Singers
Humble Thyself In The Sight of The Lord by Maranatha! Music
Unto Thee O Lord by David Slater
How Great Thou Art by Loretta Lynn
Worthy by Shekinah Glory Minstry
It Is Well With My Soul by Sandi Patti
Wonderful Words of Life by Discovery Singers
and just about every song by the Alton Howard Singers – Glory Devotional Songs (Super easy to learn and sing)
I'm singing and praising, so should you.. Share on X

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Why You Should Sing To The Lord All The Time.” AWS Magazine Online. Ed. Bobbie Chariot. Savior Sanity LLC, 1 Aug. 2015. Web. 13 Sept. 2015. <>.
“Why You Should Sing To The Lord All The Time.” AWS Magazine Online. August 1, 2015. Accessed September 13, 2015.
Chariot, B. (Ed.). (2015, August 1). Why You Should Sing To The Lord All The Time. Retrieved September 13, 2015, from

Thank you for reading!

Bobbie Chariot

Bio: Founding Editor

Sing to the Lord Always

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