Cisgender is Not Really a Thing Cisgender is not really a thing and it would be a tragedy to think it was the truth.
Christian Moms, We Need You Right Now Prepare to be shocked. If your child has a device, check out these tips and warnings.
Sins that Ticked Off God Some people in the church still think they can commit these sins. Learn about them and repent today.
Are Christians Against Homosexuals? Umm.. No. Are homosexuals the biggest sinners? Is it possible that a sodomite could enter heaven?
The Error of Justifying Polygamy Why was there so much polygamy in the Old Testament? Was this okay with God?
Secret Sodomites: Committing Sins Against Your Own Body Read why God destroyed Sodom and Gomorrah and why many professing Christians do not realize that they are sodomites today.
Don’t Believe the Hype: Homosexuality and the Church We must be careful about certain people who bring a subtle and convincing doctrine that tells us that we should believe that the LGBT community should be accepted in our churches.