Hope for a Better Tomorrow

The bible tells us that if your brother---meaning your member in the body of Christ---sins against you, go and tell them their sin. This gives them an opportunity to apologize, repent, and seek heartfelt reconciliation. Read this contributor's article...

How to Be a Godly, Submissive Wife

How do you know if your submission becomes idolatry? What does the Bible say about divorce and spousal abuse? Have you ever wondered if divorced pastors are living in sin? Should women speak in the church? Learn how to have a healthy and godly marriage. Can a godly woman separate from her husband without divorce?

God is Love, But Don’t Use That as an Excuse

I was watching a Christian movie not long ago called Heaven is For Real. It was an interesting story, but I was a bit shocked. First, this was a story about a reverend, his wife, and his church who struggled the entire time with the concept of believing that the reverend's son went to heaven by way of his spirit while he was unconscious in a hospital. This was shocking to me because if they couldn't believe this, how could they believe that....
AWS MAG | Christian Magazine Online

Be a Charity Church Member

Be a Charity Church Member This article is for youth. I love the word charity.  It expresses so much more than basic love.  Charity is about giving to others from the heart and from the hand.  It is about thi... Read More...