Are You Being a “Light of the World”?

In some communities, there is a lie floating around that have people believing that to expose someone's dirty deed is betraying them. This is called being a Snitch. However, the thought never enters their mind that they are betraying God. Protecting a person, so that they can continue to sin, is joining hand and hand with the devil. Sometimes, it is not about protecting the evil person, but rather protecting oneself or family. In that case, they need to...

Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire…

Ever wonder why a liar's pants are on fire? Me neither. But I met a pathological liar who was my “best friend.” This person lied about everything. They even told me that they had Leukemia. They told me that they were raised by their grandparents and that they didn't know their own parents until they were much older because their parents had given them away. They even pretended to be a manager at a restaurant. Yes, this person was completely insane. They had me thinking that they were on my side when they were plotting things behind my back. They were telling others that I was saying terrible things about them and then as my “best friend,” this person would say to me that the other people were “just jealous” of me. Oh the games that my “best friend” would play! One day I found out about it. You would think that I would have confronted...