Autumn/Winter 2015-16 Issue
The following posts are part of the Autumn/Winter 2015-16 Issue. Articles that are in this issue contain information about Knowing Your Enemy the devil, find out how not to use God’s love as an excuse, learn God’s definition of homosexuality, discover if you are a light of the world, plus topics on how to be a modest woman and a godly, submissive wife.
full course- Moment of Truth: Casting Down Lies #1
- Let Your Yes Be Yes and Your No Be No
- Are You Being a “Light of the World”?
- God is Love, But Don’t Use That as an Excuse
- Moment of Truth: Casting Down Lies #2
- How to Be a Godly, Submissive Wife
- So You Think You’re Not Turning Tricks?
- Hope for a Better Tomorrow
- 10 Subjects That Should Be On Your Prayer List
- Modesty Minute: Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman… ?
- Why You Should Sing To The Lord All The Time
- Know Your Enemy
- Don’t Believe the Hype: Homosexuality and the Church
- Predestination without a Choice?
- Moment of Truth: Casting Down Lies #3
- Moment of Truth: Casting Down Lies #4
Modesty Minute: Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman… ?
Estimated Reading Time: 8 minutes“Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.” ~Proverbs 31:10 KJV
If it were easy to find a virtuous woman whose price is far above rubies, this statement would not be in the Bible.Virtuous in the Merriam-Webster Dictionary means:
: morally good : having or showing virtue
How can anyone be morally good—or virtuous—without fully adhering to the knowledge of God? There is always a woman who desires to fight for her definition of virtue rather than embracing the Word of God. Yet, history has taught us that making excuses for little things is a subtle rip that only gets bigger. For instance, let’s examine modesty, which is a key component of virtue. Look at the differences in the modesty of the believers of long ago, up until now.
• Prior to the 1500’s, God-fearing, Christian women wore plain dresses and covered their heads.
• By the 1800’s, dresses were a little fancier and waists and bodices tighter, scarves became bonnets, and accessories were added. Flashes of nudity became acceptable such as cleavage or legs.
• By the 1900’s, women’s dresses were shorter and brighter, bonnets became hats or hair was cut. Skirts then became skorts, which opened the door to pants. Overtime, skorts became shorts, pants became jeans, which then became the pantsuit, hotpants, short-shorts, super tight bodysuits, tiny workout gear, see-thru, underwear exposed, nudity acceptable…
• By the 2000’s, women define their own idea of what modest is and when modesty applies. And we haven’t even talked about the shoes yet.
So we should ask ourselves, where do those compromises, excuses, and adjustments—of what is now acceptable, holy, and appropriate to wear—come from? Does it come from the Bible anymore or is it based on worldly trends and rebellious opinions?
The definition of modest is:
1 a : placing a moderate estimate on one’s abilities or worth
b : neither bold nor self-assertive : tending toward diffidence
2 : arising from or characteristic of a modest nature
3 : observing the proprieties of dress and behavior : decent
4 a : limited in size, amount, or scope <a family of modest means>
b : unpretentious <a modest home>
synonyms see shy, chaste
Click here to see Webster’s 1828 definition and compare it with today.
Doesn’t the virtuous woman in Proverbs clothe herself with silk and purple?
She maketh herself coverings of tapestry; her clothing is silk and purple.
Might this be more of a statement about the work of her hands using quality materials?
Yes, it is true that the Bible does not outright say to women, “Don’t be “pretty” or fashionable,”
BUT, let’s be clear.
The Bible does tell women who represent godliness and virtue to be shamefaced, chaste, modest (or not impressive), not of this world, to not love the things of this world, and It tells us not to adorn ourselves with gold, pearls, and costly array.1 (This is referencing trends and fashion brands that draw attention to us rather than to God and being godly.) Adversely, the Bible warns us about sins like becoming covetous, idolatrous, lewd, wanton, sensual, a lover of pleasures..
Check out this passage, about certain disobedient church people, by Paul who is encouraging us to adhere to his doctrine:
This references people within the church who accept worldly ways and teach that to “captive, silly, women” —meaning foolish women. Notice they are led away with various lusts.
Or have you read what God says to the prideful, covetous women of Zion?
This passage is referencing the women of God who are consumed with worldly things and are unashamed in the sight of the Lord. Notice the Bible is very relevant for today. So when you think about it, I guess the Bible does say that we shouldn’t be fashionable like this world.
Furthermore, if a lady fears rejection from the world, then her focus is not on the things and desires of the Lord nor the fear of the Lord, but rather fitting into the world.
From head to toe, inside and out, modesty is very important as a Christian woman because it is at the heart of virtue. It is like unto putting on spiritual armor, except it is evidence that can be seen. Strive to be a virtuous woman.♥
Are you really virtuous? Share on XCite this article: Please update the Accessed or Retrieved date (September 13, 2015).
Thank you for reading!
Bobbie Chariot
Bio: Founding Editor
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