Autumn/Winter 2015-16 Issue
The following posts are part of the Autumn/Winter 2015-16 Issue. Articles that are in this issue contain information about Knowing Your Enemy the devil, find out how not to use God’s love as an excuse, learn God’s definition of homosexuality, discover if you are a light of the world, plus topics on how to be a modest woman and a godly, submissive wife.
full course- Moment of Truth: Casting Down Lies #1
- Let Your Yes Be Yes and Your No Be No
- Are You Being a “Light of the World”?
- God is Love, But Don’t Use That as an Excuse
- Moment of Truth: Casting Down Lies #2
- How to Be a Godly, Submissive Wife
- So You Think You’re Not Turning Tricks?
- Hope for a Better Tomorrow
- 10 Subjects That Should Be On Your Prayer List
- Modesty Minute: Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman… ?
- Why You Should Sing To The Lord All The Time
- Know Your Enemy
- Don’t Believe the Hype: Homosexuality and the Church
- Predestination without a Choice?
- Moment of Truth: Casting Down Lies #3
- Moment of Truth: Casting Down Lies #4
Hope for a Better Tomorrow by Patrice Wilkerson
Estimated Reading Time: 4 minutesLast night, I got into a big argument with my friends that left me feeling sad and depressed. I was hurt because I go out of my way to be nice to them, yet I don’t get the same in return. The only thing I get is rejection, sadness, and disappointment. After our argument, I had thoughts of committing suicide so that I wouldn’t feel pain anymore. I just got tired of feeling hurt and disappointed. I find it amazing how quickly the devil can weaken and distract us. If only my friends could see how their actions really affected me. The devil really wanted to see me give up, but I just couldn’t. I realized that they were not my real friends anyway. Real friends will love you and not cause you pain. God loves me and will always be there for me. I shouldn’t hurt myself because He will make everything better for me. Every day I pray for them in the hope that they can grow spiritually.
Often, people don’t understand how their actions really affect others. There are so many who have committed suicide because of how other people have treated them. My faith in God teaches me to treat others the way I would want to be treated, I can’t expect people to have the same way of thinking as I do, but I can pray for God to touch their hearts. God’s word tells us,
“And be ye kind one to another, tenderhearted, forgiving one another, even as God for Christ’s sake hath forgiven you” ~Ephesians 4:32, KJV
In the midst of my feelings of sadness and depression, I talked to God and just told Him how I felt. I got on my knees and I prayed for my situation to get better; this was such a relief. My troubles will not last forever; I have a God who is working things out for me, but I must be patient and hopeful. The Bible tells us,
“Rejoicing in hope; patient in tribulation; continuing instant in prayer” Romans 12:12, KJV
I was hesitant on writing this article, but I believe God wanted me to share my story with others who may be going through the same thing. Certain situations may bring us to a point where we want to give up, but we must know that a brighter day is coming. God knows what you are going through and He will not put more on you that you can bear. Just hold on and keep praying; everything will work out. You have to understand that even though friends may hurt you, God is always there to love you unconditionally.♥
Being kind and tenderhearted is a command from the Lord. Share on X Cite this article: Please update the Accessed or Retrieved date (September 13, 2015).
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