Modesty Minute™

This Devotional Series Topic supporting a God-fearing heart, dress, and conduct.

Modesty Minute: Who Can Find a Virtuous Woman… ?

How can anyone be morally good—or virtuous—without fully adhering to the knowledge of God? There is always a woman who desires to fight for her definition of virtue rather than embracing the Word of God. Yet, history has taught us that making excuses for little things is a subtle rip that only gets bigger. For instance,...

Modesty Minute: Cruel Attentions

Have you ever had a jealous friend? This type of friend finds it difficult to be friends with a group. They would rather have you or your best friend all to themselves. They are starving for attention and they feel the need to take it from others. If you do not give it to them, they may try to make you feel guilty for not giving them all or most of the attention while you are around others. They are literally attention-deficit. Woah. And they want you to fill their void. These types can also be...

Modesty Minute: Gossip Girl

Are you a gossiper? Gossip is prevalent everywhere especially on television and social media. It is difficult to avoid, but you can if you know how to recognize it.